A community-based drop-in service for NHS health checks: evaluation of uptake

Jacob Chapman, Paula Jane Whittaker


Background: A community-based drop-in service aimed to deliver cardiovascular health checks to people living in areas of high socioeconomic deprivation.

Methods: Retrospective cohort study using data collected from 1092 cardiovascular health checks performed across a one-year time period in community venues across the city of Manchester. Participants were adults aged between 40–74 years, with no pre-existing cardiovascular disease who were registered with a primary care centre within the intervention catchment area.

Results: Of the total eligible population in Manchester across the study period 110194, it was found 7025(6.4%) had a cardiovascular health check, of these 1092(29%) were performed by the community-based service. Attendance was highest in younger females aged 40-45. Most patients were either in a managerial/professional occupation or unemployed. The higher risk population of cardiovascular disease (CVD were in highest attendance. Amongst the registered attendees, the checks discovered 129 new cases of hypertension, 64 new cases of type 2 diabetes, the vast majority of patients required an additional form of intervention, be that lifestyle or behaviour. 

Conclusions: A community-based cardiovascular check service is a viable method of delivering CD prevention intervention in areas of high socioeconomic deprivation.


Prevention Health Services; Early Medical Intervention; Secondary Prevention; Mass Screening; Cardiovascular Diseases


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7227/MMJ.0036

Copyright (c) 2021 Jacob Chapman, Paula Jane Whittaker

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