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TABLE 3. Substance-Abuse Treatment and Substance-Use History of Gender Groups



Female (n = 86)

Male (n = 127)


{chi}2/t value


Substance-abuse treatment
    Previous detox 61% 69% 1 1.45 ns
    Number of previous detox 1.8 1.7 207 0.33 ns
    Previous nondetox 76% 78% 1 0.06 ns
    Number of previous nondetox 1.8 1.8 207 0.26 ns
    Attended AA over the past 30 days 49% 31% 1 6.59 .02
    Number of AA meetings attended 11.6 7.5 78 2.12 .04
Emergency room visit past year 39% 35% 1 0.36 ns
Substance-use history
    Age of first use of primary 21 19.5 206 1.25 ns
    Years of use of primary 12.7 21.1 206 –5.41 .0001
    History of IV drug use 58% 56% 1 0.11 ns
Primary substance
    Alcohol 21% 47%
    Cocaine 19% 10%
    Crack 18% 10%
    Opiates 32% 26%
    Marijuana 3% 4%
    Others 7% 3% 5 16.63 .01
Polysubstance use 51% 37% 1 4.2 .05
Frequency of use of primary
    No use 5% 2%
    Less than monthly 1% 3%
    One to three times per month 1% 6%
    One to two times per week 1% 8%
    Three to six times per week 18% 29%
    Daily 74% 52% 5 16.58 .01
Average days of use of primary
    Past 30 days






Note. ns = nonsignificant; AA = Alcoholics Anonymous; iv = intravenous.

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