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TABLE 2. POAMS-TV Values and PCL Percentages

East Coast, mean (SD) (N)a

West Coast, mean (SD) (N)a

Former TWA, mean (SD) (N)a

F value

p value

Well-being 2.28 (0.89) (519) 2.39 (0.85) (357) 2.36 (1.04) (73) 1.69 .19
Life functioning 2.66 (0.81) (494) 2.71 (0.89) (343) 2.79 (0.95) (67) 0.91 .40

3.20 (0.65) (521)

3.24 (0.67) (359)

3.27 (0.73) (73)



Percentage (N)

Percentage (N)

Percentage (N)

{chi}2 value

Probable PTSD

19.1 (99)

18.3 (66)

15.1 (11)



Note. Portions of this table are reprinted with permission from Lating, Sherman, Lowry, et al. (2004).

a Sample sizes may vary slightly because of missing data.

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