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TABLE 1. Demographic Variables of East Coast, West Coast, and Former TWA Flight Crewsa


East Coast, mean (SD) (N)

West Coast, mean (SD) (N)

Former TWA, mean (SD) (N)

F value, p value

Age 41.33 (9.5) (516) 43.69 (8.0) (356) 47.30 (10.18) (73) 16.25, *
Years as flight attendant

13.96 (10.2) (520)

16.77 (10.3) (360)

22.16 (11.73) (73)

23.59, *

Percentage (N)

Percentage (N)

Percentage (N)

{chi}2 value, p value

    Female 78.4 (409) 85.6 (303) 79.2 (57) 7.42, *
    Male 21.6 (113) 14.4 (52) 20.8 (15)
    Caucasian 84.4 (438) 87.0 (308) 88.9 (64) 1.82, NS
    All others 15.6 (81) 13.0 (46) 11.1 (8)
Marital status
    Single/never married 40.2 (208) 25.9 (93) 36.1 (26) 19.16, *
    All others 59.8 (310) 74.1 (266) 63.9 (46)
Living arrangement
    Alone 29.6 (142) 24.4 (80) 31.9 (22) 3.28, NS
    With others 70.4 (337) 75.6 (248) 69.4 (50)
Personally knowing someone who lost his or her life in 9/11 and beyond
    No 31.3 (163) 69.8 (252) 74.0 (54) 146.16, *

68.7 (358)

30.2 (109)

26.0 (19)

Note. Portions of this table are reprinted with permission from Lating, Sherman, Lowry, et al. (2004).

a Sample sizes may vary slightly because of missing data.

* p < .001; NS, not significant.

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