The Planning Political Interface: A Lesson in Plan Adoption
Timothy R. Lazaro
DOI: 10.2190/EF6M-U4QY-R60W-9EVY
A very critical part of the planning process is plan adoption. In this phase, plans become enacted by the political group. Planning schools provide students with ample theory; however, plan adoption is largely a practical lesson, and must be learned by experience. To illustrate this phase and some differences between planning and political objectives, a technical flood prevention study within a small town is described and methods of presentation before a town council are discussed. Although the study was directed with the prime emphasis on communication of the best (cost effective and most alleviative) flood prevention method, the alternative implemented was not the most sound and will create recurring expense for the town's inhabitants. Upon further investigation it was determined that the objective of the political group was re-election, and the alternative undertaken was structured to achieve this goal.This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.