Prescription Drug Abuse and Dependence: How Prescription Drug Abuse Contributes to the Drug Abuse Epidemic
by Daniel P. Greenfield, 152 pp, $42.95 (hardcover), $26.95 (paperback), ISBN 0-398-05931-4, Springfield, 111, Charles C Thomas publisher, 1995.
Ronald J. Dougherty, MD, Reviewer
Pelion Inc Syracuse, NY
Arch Fam Med. 1995;4(10):890.
Since this article does not have an abstract, we have provided the first 150 words of the full text PDF and any section headings. |
As the foreword of this edition indicates, prescription drug abuse is truly the "silent dependency." There are many excellent textbooks on the disease of alcoholism as well as on illicit drugs of abuse. However, there are very few texts that comprehensively cover the topic of prescription drug abuse as well as this edition.
As the text indicates, approximately 50 000 people die in the United States every year from the use of illicit drugs such as heroin and cocaine, but almost 110 000 die as a result of the misuse of or an overdose of prescription drugs. The topic is covered in an excellent fashion compared with other texts on prescription drug abuse and dependence.
This text also points out the fact that the number of women who abuse prescription drugs is greater than that of their male counterparts. In addition, women are much more likely to appear in emergency
. . . [Full Text PDF of this Article]