Neuropeptide S: A New Player in the Modulation of Arousal and Anxiety

  Figure 2.
Figure 2.

Localization of NPS precursor mRNA expression in the rat brainstem by in situ hybridization. A. Autoradiogram showing strong labeling of NPS-expressing cells in the LC area of the rat brainstem. B. Double in situ hybridization for NPS precursor (white) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, dark blue) demonstrates that the NPS-producing cells are not colocalized with noradrenergic LC neurons (LC-TH), but rather form a separate cluster in close vicinity. (4V, fourth ventricle.) C. Higher magnification of (B). The cluster of noradrenergic LC neurons (LC-TH) is circled with a solid red line; the NPS cluster is marked with a broken green line. D. Double in situ hybridization for NPS precursor (white) and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF, dark blue). CRF-positive cells form the ovoid-shaped Barrington’s nucleus (BN-CRF; solid red line). Scale bar in B is 500 μm, and 250 μm in C and D. Crossed arrows denote orientation of slides: D, dorsal; V, ventral; L, lateral; M, medial. Photomicrographs are adapted from (23).

This Article

  1. MI February 2005 vol. 5 no. 1 42-46